
The Conference of University Presidents (CPU) is an association under the French Law of 1901 that brings together the executive directors of universities and higher education and research institutions in order to bring the voice and values of universities into the public debate. It currently includes about 100 voting members (university presidents, directors of graduate schools, INP, INSA, general administrators) but also associate members.

As a force for proposals and negotiations with public authorities, the various networks of higher education and research, economic and social partners, and national and international institutions, the CPU reacts to changes in the world of higher education and research and proposes elements for transformation.

In a context of profound changes in the higher education and research sector, the CPU also has a role to play in supporting presidents in their new missions and in promoting the French university and its values in France and abroad.

In its action, it relies on Amue (Agency for the mutualization of universities and establishments), which contributes to the development of a high-performance software offer and to the training of higher education personnel.