Inter-Asia workshop
Inter-Asia workshops
Inter-Asia workshops are regional meetings of the project for training and exchange
Kick-off meeting
Kick-Off meeting
The kick-off meeting of the project was organized from February 26 to 28, 2020 at the premises of the University of Hanoi
Hanoï University
HANU is the leader of the PURSEA project
CONFRASIE is a major partner of the PURSEA project in Southeast Asia
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With the support of the ERASMUS+ programme, the PURSEA project aims to mutualise knowledge and know-how in terms of renovated and contextualized university governance. This in order to meet the challenges faced by Asian universities, from the determination of the strategic development, up to the implementation of operational action plans, by co-constructing rigorous methodologies accompanied by relevant tools.





From June 06 to 08, 2023, review workshops and a closing ceremony for the PURSEA project took place at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) in Phnom-Penh (Cambodia).
06-08/6/2023 | Phnompenh (Cambodge)
A conference to disseminate the results of the PURSEA (Pilotage universitaire rénové dans le Sud-Est asiatique) project was held on March 16 in Hanoi. The theme of the event was the elaboration and implementation of university development strategies.
16 mars 2023 | Hà Nội (Việt Nam)
From November 30 to December 02, 2022, the mid-term meeting of the PURSEA project was held at the Polytechnic Institute - Danang University.
30/11 - 02/12/2022 | Da Nang (Vietnam)


Video reporting the activities of the PURSEA project
2020 - 2023 | PURSEA
From June 06 to 08, 2023, review workshops and a closing ceremony for the PURSEA project took place at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) in Phnom-Penh (Cambodia).
06-08/6/2023 | Phnompenh (Cambodge)


Testimonials from partners, experts and guests
2023 | PURSEA






Can I become a member of PURSEA?

PURSEA is a European project with founding members recognized by the European Union as stakeholders committed to achieving the project's objectives. It is therefore not possible to become a full member of the project, but a possibility of partnership with third parties is planned as an extension of the project to HEIs after the end of the project in 2023.

Who are the project partners?
Key project partners include the Francophonie University Agency, Confrasie, the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training, the Association of Vietnamese Universities and Colleges, the Ministry of Education, of Cambodian Youth and Sports to which the Council of Rectors of Cambodia (RCC) is attached.

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