Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)

Founded in 1964 and supported by the cooperation ITCbetween Cambodia and the former Soviet Union, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) is today a leading institution of higher education in Cambodia in the fields of engineering and technology. In 1993, the Cambodian and French governments began a process of renovation of the structures and governance, based on a 5-year engineering model, creating a support consortium conceived as a scientific and pedagogical council that is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

In the current context of globalization and rapid transformation of new technologies, ITC's main objective is to be a leading educational institution and to provide students with a high-quality education in the fields of engineering, science and technology. Students are provided with technical know-how and skills that enable them to easily integrate and adapt to the job market. To achieve this, academic and international scientific research needs to be developed.

ITC delivers an engineering degree after 5 years of study. More than 10,000 engineers have graduated and worked to develop Cambodia's economic and social infrastructure. As of June 2018, ITC had 263 faculty members, including 63 PhDs, and 3,732 undergraduate students in 7 faculties and departments: architectural and civil engineering, chemical engineering and food technology, electrical and power engineering, geophysics and geotechnics, industrial and mechanical engineering, information and communication engineering, rural and environmental engineering, and telecommunication and network engineering (under development).

In addition, this institution must increase its training capacity through two campuses: one in Tbongkhmum, 178 km from Phnom Penh and the other at the Win-Win Monument, 18 km from Phnom Penh.

It is in this context that ITC's action in the PURSEA project is taking place, with the objective of strengthening the institution's governance capacity by supporting it in the definition of a contextualized strategic planning and the implementation of operational action plans.


Role in the project


  • ITC participates in all project activities and hosts the project's closing meeting.
  • ITC supports P14-UTL (coordinator) in the implementation of WP7.

