External analysis
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External analysis



Analysis of the external environments of HEIs



WP3 aims to understand the external environment of HEIs, i.e., to define the external threats and opportunities that help determine the key success factors for each institution.

This lot will allow establishing a mapping of the external environment by an appropriate work methodology.

The goal is to place ourselves at the local, national and regional levels and to make a diagnosis. The aim is to add to the strategic SWOT matrix by identifying the threats and opportunities arising from the environment. From the analysis of Opportunities and Threats, we will designate the key success factors for each institution.



  1. Action training in the methodology of analysis of the local, national and regional context and the identification of key success factors.

    ​​​​After the training carried out in Activity 2.1, one day will be dedicated to the start-up of the batch by :

    • The initialization of methods and productions leading to the analysis of environments ;
    • Identification of the themes to be considered;
    • The exploitation of the information gathered is based on a strategic watch conducted by P1 and the partner universities.

    Pairs are formed to carry out the work in the different themes (socio-economic environment, geopolitics, higher education and research, partnership). These pairs will bring together partners from the same country or city in order to optimize the joint work to be done.
    This training will be based on a methodological guide "analysis of the external environment", conceived as an optimal basis for work that will be contextualized and enriched by the end of WP3.


  2. Conducting external environmental scans of partner HEIs

    This activity is planned for 6 months from March to August 2020 with an Inter-Asia workshop planned in the middle in June 2020. This workshop will strengthen the links between the team leaders and their internal project teams, share the work done and facilitate exchanges between Vietnam and Cambodia. P6 - CNRS, leader of the package, will take care of the personalized remote coaching and will support the writing of the reports.
    WP 3.3: Design of a global external analysis reporting
    the external environment analysis is completed by the pairs, P9 - USSH will coordinate the data compilation and report writing.
    The objective is to identify the variables of evolution, the environmental opportunities, and the possible constraints imposed from the outside, in order to elaborate the framework of the partners' strategic development plans.

  3. Sequence 2 - Restitution workshop and assessment of WP3

    The workshop is planned in Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) in November 2020 at the end of WP 2-3-4 for 3 days. Each pair will present the results of their work and P9 will propose a synthesis of the global external analysis report. The latter will enrich the methodological guide transmitted to the action training carried out in 3.1.




All partners are involved

Tous les participants