Published on 23 September 2020

The first inter-Asian workshop of the PURSEA project (Renewed University Steering in Southeast Asia) took place from September 21 to 23 at the University of Economics and Law in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). This meeting was attended by 8 Asian universities of the project, namely Hanoi University, Hanoi University of Architecture, Graduate School of Transport and Communication, University of Economics and Law - Ho Chi Minh City National University, Polytechnic Institute - Danang University, University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Ho Chi Minh City National University, Cambodia Institute of Technology and Cambodia University of Health Sciences. These institutions are the beneficiaries of the project results.

This was an opportunity for the beneficiary universities of the project in Asia and the European coordinators of the work packages to give feedback. The participants shared their advantages and difficulties in the implementation of Work Packages 2, 3, 4 of the project which consist in elaborating a self-diagnosis of the degree and characteristics of autonomy, an analysis of the external environment and a self-evaluation of the development strategy of their institutions.

On the occasion of this workshop which took place in videoconference, Sabine Goulin and Thierry Bontems, two experts specialized in the development of tools related to the piloting and the governance of the HEIs and very implied in the coordination of this project gave an interview restituted on the AUF website.


