Published on 7 May 2021

First training module - WP 5 action 


Device to assist management with a decision-making information system


Regarding the specific content of the Lot 5 training, participants learned the methodology for determining a strategic focus, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives, expected results and action plans, which ensures strategic alignment and effective implementation of a university's strategic focus.

With regard to the training on the management support system using a decision-making information system, the participants studied how an information system can be designed and help the university's leaders to make decisions.

These events were moderated by Sabine Goulin, Director General of the University of Lorraine (France) and Thierry Bontems, Head of Steering and Strategy of the PACTE Social Science Laboratory of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), with the support of Claude-Emmanuel Leroy, AUF Project Officer.


On the occasion of the launch of the WP 5, Le Courrier du Vietnam - the only online newspaper in the country, has relayed this event with an article. Please find the article by following this link:

