Published on 5 March 2020

Training and workshop WP 2, 3, 4

Training and workshops around WP 2, 3, 4 were held at Hanoi University of Architecture with the objectives of self-evaluation of autonomy, internal environments and external environments of member universities. 

Detailed program of the 4 working days 

Day 1: March 02, 2020

Objectives: To create a group, to understand the stakes of the project, to integrate the objectives and to acquire the first definitions and tools.

Methods: theoretical contributions, exchanges, and a participative animation for the positioning of the establishments.


  • Welcome and presentation of the 4-day program
  • Presentation of the project based on the PURSEA objectives and positioning of the actors (establishments) by integrating the objectives of the quality approach.
  • Introduction to the development of self-assessment strategies and issues
  • Sharing definitions


  • Sharing of the morning's achievements, convergence on the targets to be reached
  • Carry out self-assessments: theoretical input and associated practical examples (in connection with the 3WP)
  • How to use the results of self-evaluations (SWOT, cause tree...)
  • Presentation of tools/guides (proposal mode) for Work Packages 2, 3 and 4
  • First exchanges on tools/guides

Day 2: March 03, 2020

Objectives: Familiarization with the guides for WP2 and WP4, critical analysis. Completion and adjustments to arrive at tools/guides adapted to the contexts.

Methods: Organization of activities in sub-groups with facilitator and reporters, exchanges and restitutions

Morning and afternoon

  • Work on the proposed guides for self-assessment of autonomy and self-assessment of internal environments.
  • Restitution and preparation of validated documents
  • End of day review

Day 3: March 04, 2020

Objectives: Familiarization with the guides for WP3, critical analysis. Completion and adjustments to arrive at tools/guides adapted to the contexts.

Methods: Organization of activities in sub-groups with facilitator and reporters, exchanges and restitutions

Morning and afternoon

  • Presentation of the proposed methodology
  • Work on the proposed guide and methods for self-evaluation of the external environment, co-construction
  • Definition of the perimeters
  • Restitutions and sharing of results

Day 4: March 05, 2020

Objectives:  Preparation for the implementation of self-evaluation, practical contributions and points of vigilance. Exchanges on the difficulties identified and modalities for the realization.

Methods: Exchange and co-construction

Morning and afternoon

  • Identify the determinants for implementation (who decides, which steering group, how to collect information, how to capitalize...)
  • Determine the deadlines for carrying out the work and draw up the schedules for the project
  • For WP2, 3 and 4: Share and define the modalities of restitutions and validation, the structure of deliverables
  • Identify the difficulties and co-construct the response elements

Closing of the session

  • Summary and reminder of the work to be carried out and the following deadlines
  • Round table review
  • Evaluation of the training

