Published on 7 December 2021

On December 06, 2021, all the project partners met for a restitution workshop of the Work Package 5 (WP5), which was organized face-to-face in Dà Nang (Vietnam) with the participation of the Vietnamese university focal points and online for the partners from Cambodia and Europe.

 As a reminder, WP5 was launched on May 04, 2021, with a specific goal: the development of strategic planning tools for each higher education institution member of the project. After 7 months of intensive work, despite a difficult context marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, all university partners have achieved the expected objectives.

  For Ms. Nguyen Thi Cuc Phuong, Vice - Rector of Hanoi University, Project Coordinator, "we are at a very important stage of the project, where all universities have to review and present the results of their work in this WP5. I appreciate very much the efforts of all project members to deliver all the work reports on time."

 Associate Professor Dr. Doan Quang Vinh, Rector of Dà Nang Polytechnic Institute (under Dà Nang University), shared that several staff from his university have been involved in this project since 2020 and are then carrying out the governance reforms within the institution.

"The long-term vision of IPD is to achieve a higher rank in the ranking of regional and international universities. For this reason, we have developed a strategy of actions focused on the development of scientific research activities, communication and building the information system. With the support obtained through the PURSEA project, we are implementing a digital transformation project to meet the innovation needs of university governance in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0."

 This restitution workshop will last 3 days of intensive work, from December 06 to 08.

